Tuesday, 25 May, 10.00 - 11.30am
In this webinar, we explored the steps that researchers take, to access a patient's healthcare data - from application to data access through to a completed research project.
We contrasted how this journey differs across the four UK nations and heard from researchers about the challenges and frustrations that they face.
The webinar panel
The panel chair was Chris Carrigan, Expert Data Adviser to use MY data. The webinar can be watched by clicking the video box to the right and the slides are available below:
Some areas which were raised by our Panel Members are shown below, but we would encourage you to watch the full webinar recording:
Dr Alex Bailey, Programme Manager, Medical Research Council Regulatory Support Centre
Dr Elizabeth Lemmon, Research Fellow, Edinburgh Health Economics, University of Edinburgh
Paul Affleck, UK Colorectal Cancer Intelligence Hub Programme Manager, Independent Specialist Ethics Member of the Independent Group Advising on the Release of Data (IGARD) and Lay Member of the Ministry of Defence Research Ethics Committee (MODREC), University of Leeds
Pete Wheatstone, Advisory Group Member, use MY data
Summary and closeHighlighting the key points which had arisen during the webinar, Chris brought it to a close and informed delegates that the webinar would result in a Call to Action to be developed and publicised after the webinar. "...the media message [about 'slurping up data' and giving it to commercial bodies] contrasts quite starkly with the reality of how difficult it is for somebody to get access to data" Follow up actions from our Members Following the webinar one of our Members, David Snelson, wrote to his MP, highlighting hos disappointment about the difficultly of data access for researchers. He pointed out his own rare disease status and that devolved data sets subject to different access rules don’t help research into rare diseases. His MP wrote to the relevant Minister of State and David received this reply from the Lord Bethel, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Innovation.
Full list of questions from the delegatesThe following is the full list of questions which were raised by delegates in the Q&A function. Only a few of these could be answered during the webinar. They are shown below in the format in which they were posted:
Thank you
use MY data would like to thank all the delegates and speakers for their time and contributions. Thank you to Trish Gray for the title graphic. |
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email: contact@usemydata.org.uk
"the only independent patient movement in the UK focused on patient data"
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